- Does your organisation have an adequate social media policy?
- Are you worried about employees posting comments on social media?
- Do your staff understand how to avoid social media risks?
- Are you in control of your company’s online reputation?
Social media risks for employers
Employers should be aware that they can be liable for their employees’ social media and internet misuse. In just the click of a button, an ill-judged post on social media can create legal liability for defamation, misuse of personal information, breach of copyright or confidentiality, harassment and/or even criminal liability. In many cases employers will find themselves liable for unlawful social media postings that their employees make in the course of their employment. This can prove very costly as it can expose the employer to litigation, fines and may have a detrimental impact on the company’s reputation. It is therefore vital that all employers take action to minimise these risks and to protect their organisation.
Social media policies
It is essential to have an effective and up to date social media policy in place which communicates clearly to staff what actions they are, and are not, permitted to take on social media both inside and outside the workplace. Just as importantly, meaningful training should be provided to staff to ensure that they understand the risks connected with social media use and can avoid the pitfalls.
At NetRights we can draft a comprehensive social media policy for your business to provide you with the protection that your company needs to minimise its exposure to risk from employee social media liability.
NetRights social media training
We can also provide your staff with training to ensure that they understand how to avoid the risks of social media use. We can advise you in connection with preventing employee misuse of company confidential information.
Online negative reputation review
Adverse social media posts and links from search engine results can cause significant reputational damage to an individual or a company. We can provide a review of your organisation’s negative online presence together with legal advice on obtaining removal of damaging posts and search engine results to improve your reputation.
Contact us
Please fill in the below to find out more about how we can help you or call 01566 772375.